Commercial hybrid solar inverter systems
Commercial hybrid solar inverter systems can cost up to $3000! I know that not too many folks have that kind of expendable money. You can have your new solar panel system installed and setup for about $200! Not only has that but after your initial solar panel setup you immediately save money!
You can make your own solar power generator. We all know you are going to save money. How much you save is up to you. Personally I use my solar panels to run my home flood lights. It was easy to setup! I have listed just a few of the benefits of building your own solar panel
It's Clean, Quiet, & Easy to use. Solar panels consume no fuel and give off no waste and are therefore clean. There are no moving parts so there is no mechanical noise being produced.
It Maximizes Battery Life. solar power inverter generate pure D.C. electricity when exposed to sunlight. This is exactly what your batteries want.
Electrical Independence! With a properly sized system and the appropriate components, you will be able to run from the utility companies!