what is a solar power inverter

solar power inverter Energy Tax Credit Save the receipts for the expenditure you've incurred in installing solar panels and a solar water heating system in your home. Tally up the cost and make sure you can support your expenditure with the Manufacturer's Certification Statement. Home improvements made in 2009 can be claimed in your 2009 tax return, which you must file with the IRS by April 15, 2010. Use the 2009 version of the IRS Tax Form 5695, which will become available in late 2009 or early 2010.

When you consider that you'll be getting a third of your expenditure on solar energy back from the taxman, I'd say that's a pretty good deal. What have you got to lose? So get your house equipped with solar energy today and claim your solar energy tax credit! Visit my site now!

what is a solar power inverter

With the economy continuing to fall and the cost of fossil fuels continuing to rise many people are beginning to take a serious look at alternatives to the energy that they use in their homes. Selecting solar panels for your home is a task that will require some research and time but will be worth the effort when the job is completed and you have your solar panels installed.