mppt solar charge controller circuit energy generation

There is a wide range of sustainable electricity generating methods - from nuclear to wind, to standalone solar power, to ocean or water motion, plus many others.

Did you know that very little of the worlds energy demands are being satisfied by solar technology. Globally, electricity produced by solar energy accounts for less than 0.01% of total energy demand. And yet the demand for sustainable electricity generation is growing at almost 25% per annum over the last ten years.

Compare that to fossil fuel energy demand which is only growing at 0-2% per annum.

So why aren't people flocking to mppt solar charge controller circuit energy generation?

We think they are. The biggest inhibitor to mounting those solar panels on your roof is in fact the cost to do so. Or more importantly - the payback period. If you can't recover the cost of installing solar panels within the first 12 - 18 months or less then we think you should consider building your own solar panels. You will certainly save money and shorten the payback period.